Monday, September 26, 2011

Talking with Best Friend > Studying for Brain Anatomy and Physiology

True life:  I have strange priorities.

Well, according to most people anyways.
I decided today to take a break from studying for my first physiological psychology test today to have a little chat with my best friend. Most people would say that's silly, that's a hard class, you should be more focused on it. By investing in this test, which is one of four tests in one class in one semester of one year out of the eight years I'll be in college, I would be missing out on this one conversation, which is one of hundreds, probably thousands, of conversations in one friendship in this one lifetime. Seems like a no brainer right? But here's what I have to say about that. What's more important in the long run, getting an A on this test or building a relationship with a person?

Of course, you've probably guessed that I'm saying the latter. There are always more tests to take to make up for this one, there's always extra credit and office hours to go to in order to help raise my grade, but there will never be another moment exactly like the one I would've missed when talking with Ky. I would rather be the long distance runner in this race of life than finish first in all the short sprints. What's going to be most meaningful in life isn't necessarily the "things" of today like grades on tests, but who we take with us along the way. I'm thankful for having a friend who will distract me every once an awhile from being so short-distance focused.

Hope everyone's having a super Monday!

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