Monday, August 1, 2011

Little Things

Well hello again. I realize it's been awhile since I've posted anything new, and I'm sorry about that. Part of the reason is that I was away at a friend's house last Wednesday through Saturday, then had plans at home Saturday night and Sunday is always packed. Alas, my most sincere regrets. Hope you all haven't missed me too terribly! :)

Ok, so today it was stupid hot again, and the kids were so ridiculously energetic for 8am I wanted to shoot myself. (Ok, not really, but you know...) But, as the day went on I was gifted with some of the most adorable little blessings from these youngins! Before nap time today, the little girl I nanny, Yana, decided she wanted to fall asleep in the car on the way home from swim lessons. Which was wonderful, because usually she's a pistol to put to bed, and after she woke up when I pulled her out of her car seat, she fell asleep again on my shoulder as I carried her inside and up to her bed. Although it made me about ten degrees hotter, it was precious, so a little extra sweat wasn't even a problem.

Then, as I was about to leave the house for the evening around 5:15, I realized I had left the laundry I folded earlier in the living room instead of taking it upstairs to the bedroom where I usually do. As I walked over and picked up the basket, the little boy I sit, Arav, asked if he could carry it for me and put it upstairs where it belongs without question. Holy moley y'all. These little terrors are actually looking like tiny humans!! And it's great. Also, as I was walking out the door, both kids wanted to walk me to my car, and I got hugs from them both before I hopped into my seat.

I realize these things probably seem super lame to any of you reading this, but trust me, if you had had this job all summer like I have, you would truly realize just how wonderful these little things made me feel. Especially after getting flack yet again from the mother for something ridiculous. Oh well, she's taking me shopping on Friday and I'm PUMPED.

Well, that's all for now, until next time,


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