Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Bear With Me!

So, I decided that I wanted to start something new, something that more accurately depicted what my passions are and how I express myself creatively, ergo BAKING BLOG!!! Yay!

Ok, so I'm going to be trying out a few new recipes and I hope to update with new goodies about twice a week. This is going to be a lot of baking, and a lot of cupcakes and other delicious goodies, so please, bear with me if I don't get a chance to update a couple weeks in a row. Aka, baking is not cheap, and I'm a broke (really) college student. But baking and decorating is something I truly enjoy doing and I feel is a great way for  me to express my artistic talents. And it's food. Come on. Who doesn't like a whole lot of cupcakes in their apartment to nom on after (or before, or during...) a meal?!

I'm also thinking of starting to sell the cupcakes if they become popular after giving away a few batches. Granted, I only have so much space in my little apartment kitchen to store all of these treats, so if you'd like some while I'm just starting out, PLEASE let me know! I'm more than happy to run some to your house! :)

Well, I think that about covers it for now! Happy Hump Day everyone!

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