Friday, July 8, 2011

That's Pretty Sketch...

Recently, I've found myself being even more attention deficit than usual. I've been so sketchy, and not in the creepy way...ok, maybe a little bit, but we're all creepers at some point or another, come on now. I've been sketching and painting things just because I have free time and, if I may, I've been getting pretty good at a few of them. Granted, mostly I only sketch at work, which means while nannying, which means most of my best work has been on a Magnadoodle and got erased by impatient kiddos all of five seconds after finishing. But those were glorious five seconds and I was proud of those sketches. I'm planning on trying to recreate some of them. Like this really sweet horse I drew while trying to emulate the knight chess piece on top of a kid's trophy.

Most of my best sketches end up on my walls. With paint. Like the other day, I drew a pretty sweet looking tree on my white board where I leave my roommates notes telling them where I am so they don't freak out. I haven't erased it yet, and I don't plan on doing so until absolutely necessary. Anyway, one afternoon I was spacing out, staring at the empty space on the wall above my computer when I thought, 'I should paint that.' So I did. I made a run to Hobby Lobby, bought some sale paint and brushes and a cheap-o palette and got started. I ended up painting a giant tree right above my bed, so it looks like the trunk is coming out of my pillows. It wraps branches over onto another wall and continues onto my ceiling, extending at least a good two feet over my bed. I inscribed the verse Colossians 1:10-11 on one of the branches, too. And with silver accents on all the branches, if I do say so myself, dang that tree looks good.

I always knew I liked to draw but I never found myself being particularly good at it, especially compared to some of my extremely gifted friends and family members. But I think this is something I'm going to try to keep up with. It's a good way to get away from the world for awhile and just let my brain create. I think next I'm going to mural some big ol' purple flowers on a wall. Should make for an fun weekend project at the very least.

Mostly, I think the point of this post is to encourage myself to be more spontaneous. To just create and not be afraid of messing up or it being ugly. Art is art. Somebody out there would probably find it super inspirational and pay big bucks to put it in their gallery full of weird abstract pieces.
Well, that's all for now folks.


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